Excerpt from Regrets (Pre-sale Date coming soon)

“We fight through the night.” She read the slogan on the band on her wrist once again. Heaviness filled her chest and tears welled up in her eyes as she read each word aloud. She inhaled deeply and was at the ready to wipe away any glimmer of wetness before a tear could fall. She tried to compose herself by looking at her reflection with intensity in the mirror. A lonely tear still found its way down her face and she harshly patted it dry. The sight of her wedding ring on her finger caused bittersweet feelings.
Get yourself together girl. Vicki grabbed the wired brush from the top drawer and glided it through her long tousled jet-black hair. She created a deep side part and brushed her hair over her right eye. She checked her roots; she needed to touch them up with the flat iron until she could get a fresh perm but not right now. Instead, Vicki added some clip-in extensions to give it more volume but decided the look didn’t do her any justice. It appeared as if she was hiding behind all that hair and even though she was, she didn’t want it to look like it was the look she was going for. Besides, she couldn’t go through the day with hair in her face covering her eye. She wouldn’t get anything done and those roots were more noticeable against the silky straight weave extensions.
Vicki removed the hair as fast as she had clipped them in deciding to pull her hair into the usual mid-high ponytail she had sported more often than not. She cursed the few grey strands peeking out at her left temple where her hair was thinned. She never noticed them before. She wet the hairbrush and tried to maneuver the silver hairs under the black strands. She heard stress causes grey hairs. “What else could it be?” she thought. She was barely over thirty but she questioned if she still looked good for her age because there were a few signs of fine lines and wrinkles. She dabbed her face with concealer and a tinted moisturizer to cover them before applying a coral tinted lip-gloss. She decided against the mascara and liner for it would draw attention to her eyes.

“Aging before my time. Yep, he’s definitely a cancer.”
Vicki exited from the bathroom in time to bump into Allen as he came down the hallway. He pulled her closely after apologizing for the collision and lovingly kissed her freshly painted lips.
“Good morning beautiful. You taste like strawberries.”
He took his thumb and caressed the fullness of her lips. He was up early. She hadn’t had time to make breakfast. This was unusual because he never got up before she started things in the kitchen. She hoped he was not trying to get a quickie in before the kids got up. The caressing of his thumb against her lips was usually a sign he was horny.
Vicki said good morning, smiled weakly, kissed his thumb as she would always do, and withered her way out of his grasp. Vicki started to head toward the kitchen to start breakfast and he held her wrist pulling her back to him. She closed her eyes and took a deep sigh. He did want sex. She said a quick prayer. Not now Lord, not now. A forehead kiss is what followed. Relieved she opened her eyes and smiled genuinely this time. Thank you Jesus.
© 2017 Regrets by Cee Elle Reid
